Friday, August 5, 2011

Kota Kinabalu-Kundasang Trip - June 2011

Hi again,

Kali ni nak share pasal trip 3D2N ke Kota Kinabalu pula. This time around i went with my colleagues. It was a fun yet tiring vacation i have ever experienced. Walaupun tak de la pegi berjalan byk tempat sgt pon. The day we touched down at KK airport we straight away went to Kundasang. We rented a car and made a long drive from KK to Kundasang. Its just 2 hour and 30 min drive but it felt like forever. Maybe bcoz of the bumpy, sloppy and scary road makes us felt like we never gonna reach Kundasang. But thank GOD we did reached Kundasang safe and sound.

There are sooo many beautiful places in Kundasang. Somehow u felt like u so not in Malaysia. The air, the surrounding, the mountains felt like you actually on the other side of the world. Teeettt!! 

While at Kundasang we visited a few popular places such Poring Hot Springs, Tagal Sg Moroli Fish Spa dan Sabah Tea garden. Its actually a typical places tourist will visits when they reached Kundasang except mendaki Gunung Kinabalu lah. Plus, ade satu tmpat menarik kat Kundasang ni. Kundasang ada 1 small town which locate a few food stores, grocery shops and some other shops. But u will be surprised with the look of the so-called Kundasang small town (i yg panggil mcm ni). Condition tmpat tu mcm baru lepas kena bomb. Trust me..sgt tragis. Iskkhh..lupa lak nk snap gambar. 

We departed from Kundansang on the evening of the second day dan smpai KK dh nk dekat maghrib.Untuk perjalanan ke KK yg lbih selamat dh rasa mcm la siang2..bukan ape, jalannya pusing2 klau, bahaya utk bergerak malam unless dh biasa dengan jalan tu.

Di KK,  we have dedicated our sweet times to find souvenirs for friends and family..err food oso in the list. Target food kitorang adelah lobster. Alhamdulillah, jumpa juga dekat pasar malam depan Le Meridien hotel apartment yg kami sewa. Jgn ditanya harga lobsternya berapa..boleh buruk muka klau dikenang. mahal to mabul mmg tak yah compare. mabul's lobster is way way way cheaper. Banyak gerai yg jual seafood bakar so boleh choose memana yg berkenan di hati. Berhati2 juga dengan lobster, tanya harga dulu sebelom beli sbb ianya bukan murah..takut tak cukup cash di tangan nk bayar.

The next day, we spend our times linger around pasar borong and KK town je. Lepas tu ke airport dan bersedia untuk balik ke sarang. All and all, the trip was fun, definitely will come back..nk pegi manukan island pulak.